Steam Engine
My Grandfathers self-built model steam engine
In 1992 my grandfather began building his own live model steam engine, in 1:2.7 scale. It has a mass of approximately 700kg and can tow 8 persons with ease at walking speed, using the two custom made trailers.
Of course I learned heating and driving the machine from an early age. In the summers, we regularly drove around the neighborhood where my grandfather lived, for the joy of the neighboring children. We also visited some steam fairs in Kürnbach, as well as holding our own at the small 'pub' my grandmother ran.
Some videos, of both the mechanics as well as driving the steam engine.
Here's a small collection of photos of and with the steam engine that have been taken since its creation.
2013 and 2014
The year 2012 was the third and last time we held our steam fair at Ines.
In the year 2011 we held our second steam fair.
In the year 2009 we held the first steam fair at the Bierstüberl Ines in Fischbach.
2007 and earlier
Here are all other pages related to the operation of the steam engine.
- Wilesco steam fire engine D305 - September 08, 2023
Trying to get an old toy to work again - Saving the steam engine: Part 3 - September 01, 2023
All the rest - Saving the steam engine: Part 2 - August 02, 2023
First batch of smaller stuff - Saving the steam engine: Part 1 - July 29, 2023
Storing the machine and the trailers